Friday, 1 March 2013

JAMIE MCDELL - Ed Sheeran, Ellie Goulding, Rihanna, Labrinth, The Lumineers & Cher Lloyd mash-up video

Here is another one of Jamie McDell's mash ups! She calls it The Ed Sheeran, Ellie Goulding, Rihanna, Labrinth, The Lumineers & Cher Lloyd mash-up! It's amazing! 

For more, click here to go to her YouTube channel!

From: YouTube
Channel: JamieMcDell

JAMIE MCDELL - Cobra/Demi/Minaj/Bieber-Brown/FosterThePeople mash-up video

I have been looking at lot's of Jamie McDell's mash-ups. They are really awesome! Here's her Cobra/Demi/Minaj/Bieber-Brown/FosterThePeople mash-up!

For more, click here to go to her YouTube channel!

From: YouTube
Channel: JamieMcDell